April 5, 2002
*ugh* I haven't blogged for so long! Yes, I was lazy. =P Yay Spring Break next week! *woohoo* No school for one whole week. They should have given us 2 weeks though. >_<
Eh ... don't know what to write.
Dreamed @ 3:21 PM
March 8, 2002
*gasps* My friend Linda is moving away! I'll miss you! *sniffles*
Oki, I am so going to fail my English project. *argh* I hate being the leader! I hate being bossy! I'm too shy to be bossy! *ugh*
Dreamed @ 5:18 PM
March 2, 2002
*cheers* I'm drawing a picture of Yuffie and I'm going to use it for my next layout! It's so cute! *lol* I'm planning how the layout should look like ... and I'm thinking whether I should color it first and then scan it or scan it first and then color it in Adobe. *shruggs* Oh well but I'm proud of the picture of Yuffie I drew! ^-^
Ahh! *screams wildly* I can't wait for Harry Potter number 5 to come out! It so cool!!! o_O;;
Dreamed @ 2:02 PM
February 23, 2002
Wow I haven't blogged like 2 weeks. Oh well ... anyway, last Saturday I went to California Adventure (I'm going to go again in April, with the whole Band) and it was so fun! *cheers* I went on Maliboomer, which shoots up really fast - it doesn't go up slow like other rides, but it shoots up really fast! - and went on California Screamin' (I went on it 2 times!) which is really really cool! Also went on the Grizzly River Run and you get so wet on it! And that day was a bit cold too. *brr* Then I saw the show "Blast" and OMG! It's wonderful! It's loud and stuff but really, it's great!
Ah ... I'm reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I wonder when I'll finish it ... I just started it like a week ago and FINALLY got to half of the book, where it's starting to get exciting ...! I totally love the series Harry Potter. *woohoo* Harry is cool! *lol* Oki ... Actaully Ron is cooler! *muahaha*
Dreamed@ 5:16 PM
February 11, 2002
*sigh* Oki I'm grumpy. x_x Hm ... tomorrow's Chinese New Year and today is the last day of the year. Only 3 more days till Valentine's Day. *screams* I am so ... so ... *argh* I don't know what I'm feeling. But I know for sure bad! No ... school tomorrow aGAIN. Oki I really hate school right now. I want to stay in front of my computer the WHOLE day! Ohmigosh I am so addicted to the internet. I'm OBSESSED with it. *sighs* I mean, today my parents called me to go downstairs to eat something and I was all acting all grumpy b'cus I have to leave my computer. That's like so crazy. I mean ... the WHOLE entire week I probably spent at least 15 hours online (hm ... is that a lot? no?). I spent at least 2-3 hours online each day. Then during the weekend I spent at least 4-5 hours. *gasps* Oki I'm hungry right now ... as in "my-stomach-is-growling" hungry. =P
Dreamed @ 7:34 PM