February 10, 2002
*cheers* No school tomorrow! Yay! I'm tired of school ... ever since Winter Break. I'm such a bad girl, ne?! Hm ... Chinese New Year's coming ... and so is Valentine's Day. *blah* Anyway, oki, I really hate 6 period PE. It's H-O-T! *argh* Hate it ... *grr* And I hate my PE teacher too! Only my 7th grade teacher is the BEST *ahem*. *sigh* Oki, what I'm going to talk about is only "personal opinion" so if you feel offended, stop reading immediately! Oki, so to me, I don't think getting HOSTED is such a good idea. I mean, what if (WHAT IF?!) the domain who's hosting you suddenly decided to stop using the domain? Then you'll have to find a new server or whatever. Then your "fans" would go to your site and found out that it's gone, do you actually think they'll SEARCH for your site (actually I DID a couple of times in order to know what HAPPENED to the site - oki so I'm dumb!)? Well, it's just annoying if that happens ... no I'm not saying getting HOSTED is bad or anything ... it just have some ... uh bad stuff in it too. Er ... right? *sweatdrop* Oki I have no idea what's up with me so I'll stop blabbering now. *shruggs*
Dreamed @ 4:11 PM
February 3, 2002
Yesterday I went to watch Snowdogs. It was actually pretty cool and the dogs are so C-U-T-E! They're so furry and cool! Demon and Nana rules! They got these lil shoes/mittens for them! *grins* It's pretty funny too. I just love those dogs! It was so funny in the part the dogs were lying on the chair in the beach, wearing swimsuits and drinking stuff. *woohoo* Oki ... no I don't want to go to school tomorrow! I have pe 6th period. *argh* And I don't know who's in my math class. *sigh*
Dreamed @ 2:13 PM
February 1, 2002
Wowy! It's February already. *argh* Nononono! I'm going have PE in 6 period (last class right in the AFTERNOON)! It's going to be so hot especially in the summer! *grr* And the teacher (according to my friends) is really mean. *sheesh* I already didn't enjoy PE this year, but now I have it in 6 period (I used to have during 3rd period) WITH a mean teacher! *bumps head on computer* Oh well at least I got some friends with me. *hahahaha* They're going to have to suffer HOTTNESS with me! *grins evily* Oki ... anyway, er ... *chokes* I'm listening to O-Town's Shy Girl! *lols* Wowy, today/yesterday night when I was sleeping I had the weirdest dream ever! *starts to daydreams* Oki snap out of it! *sweatdrop* Anyway, the dream was so real. *lol* Oh yes, I finally finished the layout for Mango Berry Reviews! ^-^ *yawns* I want to go to sleep ... ZzZ ...
Dreamed @ 4:36 PM
January 23, 2002
*phew* Yay! My birthday party was pretty kewl. I got lots of presents! Wowy! I'm 14! Freaky ... erm ... anyway, I got a pencil box, gel pens, 2 picture frames, lead pencils, a thingy where you could put pictures in (not a picture album tho), a sweater, body spray, O-Town Cd and keychains. And some other stuff ... I kept forgetting what it is! *cough* Anyway, *cheers* I don't have to run tomorrow if I wear my 8th grade t-shirt! *lol* Hm ... not much here ... ^-^
Dreamed @ 7:08 PM
January 18, 2002
*grr* Finally got this BLOG working! *ahem* Anyway, nononononono! I don't want to wake up at 8 am tomorrow just for some DUMB (*ahem*) interview! *grr* And oh yea, if your reading this, Frances, I'm starting to work on the layout for Mango Berry, oki? Oki! ^-^ Hm ... eh, not much stuff to BLOG. lalalala ... Hahahaha! *laughs uncontrollable* ^o^ It was so funny today in math class. Mr. S was teaching us do some math problems and he have to put the answers in some kind of brackets like these -> { }. And so, the table next to my friends' and mine were suddenly all laughing. So then Mr. S (who's 26 ... *lols* Yes Teresa! That was soooo mean! *inside joke*), started blushing, thinking there's something wrong with him, like something's on his head. He was brushing his hair and looking around at his back, seeing what's wrong with him. But the problem was that there's nothing wrong with him! It's how he drew those brackets -> { }. So then the people sitting next to ours' told us that there's this one bracket { } that Mr. S drew made it look like him from the side! ... Gettit?! So then my friends and I started laughing and when Mr. S finally got it, he was all "embarrassed" and "blushing". He told us later that his "self-esteem is really low now". Rrrr-right. *ahem* Anyway, uh ... yea, it was funny. Um ... maybe not to you, but ... er ... right. o_O;;
Dreamed @ 5:27 PM