Right here are my sites I have made along with my projects. I'm trying hard to finish all my sites ... but I'm busy you know ... ^^;;

Active Sites

Innocent Dreamer Forever
*cheers* This is my bloggy! ^-^ I update it every once in awhile ... ^^;;
100% Finish

Hiatus Sites

Bili Bala
Ah, here's my personal site. All about me! If you want to know more about me, go here!
100% Finish *yay*

Sushi Stand
Here's my new graphic site. There's banners and buttons for you to use, lil adoptions for you to adopt and more!
60% Finish

Ichiban Dogs!
This is my first clique I've ever made. ^^ This clique is for dog lovers like myself. Please join if you're a dog lover!
100% Finish

None at the moment.

Inactive Sites
SailorMoon Country
This site is now inactive but I would not close it. I will no longer update it bcus I've lost my interest in continuing this site. :(

Closed Sites
Kaos Adoption
This used to be my Kaos' site, where you could adopt Kaos due to my laziness, I decided to closed this site, even though I didn't start uploading the Kaos yet. XP