Here are my friends online! Visit their sites please! If you want to become one, fill in my form below, but there are some rules too.
Cotton Candy
-We must always keep in touch. I mean, if we don't keep in touch what's the point in being friends?
-You have to link me too! Whether it's using normal text links or buttons.
-Your site must be appropriate! *grr*
-Be nice to me! If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you.
-Don't just be my "friend" because you want more TRAFFIC for your site! That is just plain *argh*! Being friends aren't for getting lots of hits for your own site, but keeping in touch and just ... being friends! ^^;;
-Fill in everything below oki? Oki!
-Also, it'd be nice if you signed my guestbook! ^-^ *heehee ...*