This page has questions that people have been asking me. If you have a question and it's not here, e-mail it to me. I'll be happy to answer you and post it here. ^-^
Q: Where do you make your webpages?
A: I just type them. ^^;;
Where did you get HTML help from?
I got them at Funky Chickens HTML Help, Lissa Explains It All, Dynamic Drive DHTML, and of course Webmonkey!
Can we do a link exchange?
Sure! Go here and fill in the form. *grins*
Can I be sister sites with you?
Um ... I don't think I'm looking for any sisters right now, unless I know you very, very well.
Can I be friends with you?
Of course! Just e-mail me.
How do you print the screen to show other people something on my
computer (such as my past layouts)?
Find the button/key on your keyboard that says something like PRINT
SCREEN (it should be on the top part of your keyboard, near F12). Then just
simply press it. Then go to PAINT or any program that does images (such as PSP or Photoshop)
and click on your right button on your mouse. Click PASTE on the
pop-up window and the picture of your screen will be pasted into
the blank area. If you don't get it, you may e-mail me for any
other questions about it.
How long does it takes for you to answer my questions and/or other
Um ... depends whether I'm busy or not. But wait at least a week for my reply to your mail. But I'll always try to check my mail at least each day.
How do you make a layout? Can you make one for me?
It's hard to explain how to make a layout. So I can't answer that. ^^;; But can I make one for you? Uh ... I don't think so. I'm busy with school stuff, band, and many others so ... yea.
Where did you get all the graphics and background?
It's kind of long to list them here, so go here instead. =9 And I also usually make my own stuff now ...!