Here's my bloggy!
10/20/01, 5:39 P.M: Hmm ... it's oki recently I guess ... better than before ... a little only tho. OH YEA! I'm going to Knott's SCARY Famr tonight! Oooh! Freaky!! *heehee ...* Can't wait! Dunno what to say! Oh yea ... I'm going to have a parade next week ... Betcha we're not going to win anything ... after all, it's our first parade. *sigh*
10/9/01, 5:22 P.M: Heylo! NO! I am not feeling any better ... not muchy anyway ... but a lil ... well, I finish my homework early today so I have time to add another blog entry. That'll be good, isn't it?! Since I haven't done it in like a month. *phew* Well, let's talk about Marching Band tday! We have at least 2 after school rehersals every Monday and Thursday. Sometimes in the morning when we have class. Well, last Thursday, our teacher told us we're improving 20%. According to how he showed us with his hands (right hand the highest and left hand the lowest, with a huge giant space in between), we were really, really at the bottom. Near it anyway. But according to him, we were really good. Improving anyway ... and he was really proud of us, we're proud of ourselves too. BUT yesterday, he made us march in the morning and we were all like thinking ... *ugh! it's only 9 a.m!* and so ... we were terrible. I mean, it's normal right? On a Monday morning, still sleepy and still missing the weekends. And that got our teacher quite mad. My friend, Vanessa told us he was really (and she does mean really)pissed when she had him for Chorus (which is right after our class, with a seperation of 'advisory' which is 20 minutes long - which means 20 minutes isn't even long enough to get him under control!).Well then, as I said bfore, we have after school rehersals every Monday and Thursday so we have to go to the rehersal that day after school (and if u don't go, he'll make u walk - or shall I say "March" - back and forth by yourself for 1 hour - and that looks stewpid!). We were marching all right and he said we were improving again. So I'm thinking, "We should never march in the morning since we're all in a bad mood, grumpy and *ugh*" Well, what a stewpid entry. *grr* Well, too bad, you already read like all of it and if you're pissed b'cus your thinking it'll get excited at the end, go ahead since this is like 1% of being an "exciting blog entry." You don't get what I'm saying, do u?
10/7/01, 4:36 P.M: *ugh* My mood is not improving *much. Um ... don't know what to say ... *argh* none of my friends are like online right now so I'm kind of bored. Well, there is someone who I could talk but *someone* keeps warning me b'cus I didn't explain what 'psh' means (which is just like 'geez' or 'wutevah' ... those kind of slangy words) b'cus I didn't know how to explain since the only way I could explain it to *someone* is tell *someone* at school so I could say it to *someone*! Cus it's not even a word, it's just some kind of sound! *someone* is so stewpid! Then *someone* started warning me to 35% until it doesn't let *someone* to warn me anymore, so *someone* told me to type in random letters in 3 rows/lines like this: "dhjtk fksjdkfg e5iu45 j fdksa fasjedf asdkf" so *someone* could warn me even more. But I didn't. And I'm happy to say that I warned *someone* to 35% and even my friend Connie warned *someone* too b'cus *someone* warned her too. So ha! ....... You don't gettit, do you ...?
10/6/01, 4:08 P.M: *sigh* Recently I've been in a really really baaaaaaaad mood. And I do mean bad. I don't feel like telling my friends these stuff. Um ... not even my best friend/close friends. *ugh* I can't say why I'm in a bad mood cus my friends might see this. *sigh* So now I just have a bunch of stewpid and depress stuff stuck inside me cus I dunno who to tell them to. I hate this 8th grade year. I HATE IT! I mean, I started feeling like this since the beginning of 8th grade. *sigh* No one knows how I feel right now. I just went to find some candy to eat but there's no candy that I could eat! Even the candys are mean to me!!
9/3/01, 2:05 P.M: Hiya! I'm back from vacation! I wanna stay there more!!! *sniff* But NO school's gonna start like in 3 days and yea ... Aniway, I'm gonna talk about mi vacation *teehee ...*: Well, I went to Hong Kong for like a month and a half and came back yesterday (9/2/01). While in Hong Kong, I also went to Japan. WOWY! I finally went there. I always wanted to go there, it wuz like, my dream sorta. BUT I didn't go to Tokyo where all da fun stuff are. I went to Nagasaki (I dink dat's wut it's call) with a Japan Travel Tour place. But it wuz still kewl aniway. Stayed there for 5 days with those otha peeplz and travel agent person. It wuz kewl. Then I went back to Hong Kong and went to places with mi cousins. We took those photo stickers and photo cards (da one from Japan? You know? Yea ...). Dang! Those photo machines thingy are so muchy betta than the ones here!! So muchy prettier and neater and cuter and cooler!! And NEWER!! Yea, well, there's more but gotta go ...
7/13/01, 4:14 P.M: Woohoo! Tday I finish watchin da series "Captain Tsubasa J"! (da cartoon bout dat boy and his fwienz playin soccer ... tryin to win da champs ...) Aniway, at first I wuz kinda "not-dat-interested" b'cus no offence or anithang but da characters's eyes are a lil too high ... BUT I got used to it b'cus it's HARD to be able to watch ani Japanese Animes here so aniway, I got interested in it. And BOY! Wuz it evah exciting! It's realli kewl! The characters are realli kool! And even tho their playings are a lil "exaggerating" ... a lil too exaggerating ... BUT it seems realli cool aniway. Like how dey kick da soccer and jump like a whole ten feet ... and how dey kick the soccer ball so hard it makes da opponents fly when it hits 'em ... *lols* Aniway, now I'm tryin to find good websites about dat cartoon. Soooo exciting. I finished watching da part where the main character, Tsubasa and his fwienz got together in da Japan lil League thingy. And it's all sayin how well and how good they play. Pretty cool. And dat ends dat series. If ani of yous know ani good Captain Tsubasa websites, pleez e-mail mi at! Thankx! Um ... wut else? Dat's bout it! Onli 6 more days and I'm leavin!
7/5/01, 3:37 P.M: Hey! I haven't wrote in here kinda a looong time, huh? OOPS. Aniway, I wuz just dinkin ... du u peepz EVAH EVAH read mi BLOG? U *might* click in here and saw a bunch of words stuck togetha but u probably NEVAH EVAH read it. True or wut? *sigh* Wutevah. (I'm gonna even make a POLL askin if YOU evah read mi BLOGGY!) For those of u's dat do read mi Bloggy (az if there's gonna be a bunch *lols*), I'll start with da 'main' stuff. Sooo, yesterday wuz Independence Day. (HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY) 'Buncha peeplz went to "blast-off" fireworks, which makes mi lil cute doggy, Lucky, bark his head off. Annoyin? Yes. BUT I went off to "blast-off" some fireworks too. *smiles* Xcept they dun go flyin in da air. Ours just "blast-off-in-some-kind-of-way" in their "can-like-thing". But it wuz pretty KEWL. So aniway, wut'd dat you ova there say? Wut happened to mi sheeps? Ooooh! W-well, they're kinda annoyin so I didn't "take 'em out" tday. Oh yes! I've been dinkin bout mi NEXT layout. I've sorta got it under control, workin on da graphix and stuff. Gonna change a LOT! Realli! BUT it's gonna be hard to put it ALL toGETHER! *phew* (x_x);; Hope it goes smoothly! Weeeell, gotta gooo! Ta! Ta!
6/20/01, 4:46 P.M: Whoa! They're hauntin mi screen! Xcuse mi sheep! *lols* I got these Stray Sheeps and now they're all runnin and jumpin round mi computer screen! In case you dun know wut Stray Sheeps are, they're these realli *annoyin lil sheeps dat you could download in websites. When you download 'em, you click on da icon thingy and depending on how mani times you clicked, that's da number of how many sheeps will come runnin and jumpin around ur screen. It's funni but it's also *annoyin. Aniway, if you wanna download 'em, go here. Aniway, they're fun to hav around tho. Aniway, I made these icons for mi to use on mi site but I dunno WHERE to put 'em. *lols* How stewpid, huh? Er ... aniway, da layout's comin out fine. Realli. You shuld see for urself. I haven't done anithang like dis bfore! It's just AMAZING! *lols* j/k ... *heehee ...* Hmm ... I haven't wrote in here a looooong time, huh? Sorri ... Oh wowy! Mi sheeps are bouncing on each otha. Now they're bouncing on the "ground!" They're now runnin ... jumpin ... bouncin ... climbin on mi screen ... WHOA! Now one of em's pretending to be a dog ... hahaha! Silly lil ol' sheep! One of em's playing dead ... hahaha!
6/10/01, 5:50 P.M: Hey! Sorri I haven't update! I wuz kinda buzi and stuff. I promise dat I will realli start to work on mi Sailormoon Country. I PROMISE! But probably ova Summer. Whoa! It's soooooo hot right now! But I can't believe it's SUMMER! Onli 5 more days and YAHOO! Summer VACATION! Altho I hav Summer School. But onli for a month and I'm OFF to vacation and fly away to a great place to hav fun and stuff! I can't wait! There's soooooooo much food I wanna eat! *phew* Aniway, I got 2 sisters! Their name's Wendy and Dee! Check out Wendy's site! Here's Dee's site! Cute! I will make an e-mail form thingy so I culd let ya peeplz fill in it and be mi sister site! R'memba ta sign mi guestbook! Yuppers! Whoa ... gotta go! Ta Ta!
6/3/01, 5:07 P.M: Boy, am I bored. I didn't update the site b'cus it seems like there's nothin' else muchy to update ... and plus I'm too lazy to start to work on mi Sailormoon Country ... *yawns* Oh yea, the Ch*l* Co*k-O*f wuz "okay". *sigh* The food sux tho. (No o'fence.) I got the fonts I downloaded yesterday ta work. Yahoo! I'll use those coolio fonts in mi websites. *sigh* Borin ... *yawns* Why don't you go ta mi Message Board here. Peeplz added some topic ta talk about and now you culd REPLY to it! B'cus it's all fixed so yahoo to mi! I'll post some new stuff too. So SHOO SHOO! Go post some stuff!
6/2/01, 4:09 P.M: Hi! It's cloudy and sprinklin' tday. Wowy! I downloaded like soooooooooo muchy fonts tday. Realli kewl. Oooh, tday I'm gonna perform at the Ch*l* Co*k-O*f. Xcitin ... no j/k ... hmm ... nothin's muchy ... just bored ... I haven't been to Neopets like in a long, long time. *yawn* Mi eyes hurt ... so tired ... ZzZzZz ...
6/1/01, 6:15 P.M: Yo
peeplz! I just finish makin' a page dat I will put up in
pages dat's not finished or not available and you know,
those kinds of pages. Aniway, you'll see it realli soon,
I promise. Took mi a lot o' work cus I wuz thinkin' of
doin' dis and then thinkin' of doin' dat. *phew* (x_x);;
6/1/01, 4:15 P.M: Konnichiwa
minna-san! Yay! Weekendz comin'! Tomorrow (Saturday) I'll
hav to go ta school ta perform Ch*l* Co*k-O*f. Woo ...
Gonna be sooooooo hot! *Sweatdrop* -_-;; We're playin'
the Pink Panther! So kewl! Also our school songs and tonz
more! So I might not hav time to update dis site ... or
m'be not. Hey, I added dat lil picture o' dat lil kero
thingy next ta da message. See it? Next ta da dates?
Cute, eh? *lol* Sanorara!
5/31/01, 5:10 P.M: *sigh*
No more runni' in school for P.E. for da rest of da
school year. Yahoo! *Cheers* I wuz searchin' through mi
pictures and finally found one dat's a cutey bunni moving
gif for mi ta put in dis page. See it? At da top of the
page, next ta "My Blog"? Izn't it cute?! *lols*
P.E. iz sooooooo hot! Argh! I hav it right in da
afternoon, right when da sun iz just HIGH! Right bfore
lunch! Right at 12' o clock afternoon! Argh! Grr! I used
ta hav it in da mornin' between 9 somethin to 10
somethin. It'z still hot but not az hot az NOW!
AaaRrrGggHhh!! *sigh* err ... gotta gooo ... sanorara!
(Did I spell dat right??) *phew ... sweatdrop* (x_x);;
5/30/01, 3:58 P.M: Home from school. I decided not to put these messages in
textarea for *now*. I'll probably put it in when
everythang's under control in dis BLOG ... I guess ...
Summa's comin' ... Woohoo! No more school! More
vacations! Woohoo! *lols* How's did background for a
blog? I wuz dinkin' of using a Cloud with stars and moons
background ... but it's kinda too hard to read. So I used
this one. Hmm ... I'll let ya see it if I culd find a way
ta let you see it. *Cheers* Hmm ... culd ya see the
words? Is it too hard to read it b'cus of the color? Hope
not ... Gotta go! ta! ta!
5/28/01, 6:43 P.M:
I finally decided to start mi Blog! Yay! But I'm figurin
out if I shuld put this message in a textarea ... shuld