Win Award
Yay! So you want to get an award? Just fill in the form and tell me which award(s) you want, and then I'll "see" if you deserve it. =^-^= Please fill in everything!! And if you don't get the award you want, please don't complain to me! It'll probably take about 2 weeks for me to get back to you. :)
Cute Site Award:
In order to get this award, your site must be somehow "kawaii" or "cute". I know that a site being "cute" depends on a person's opinion of "cute". So if I think that your site is "cute" enough, you'll get the award! Simple as that.
Cute Graphics Award:
To get this award, your graphics - layouts, pictures, etc. - must be "kawaii" or "cute". And they must look nice!
Cute Layout Award:
To recieve this award, your layout has to be made by you! Not a layout from a graphic site/layout site! You must make the layout by yourself! And of course, the layout has to be cute. ;)