About Site
Here are info about my site. All things like my past layouts and history belongs here.
Past Layouts:
V.1-2: Because I just started this site then, I only have a background, pictures, links, whatever. And it looks messy ... you have scroll down in order to see the links and the links are long, the background is from MGS. It has violet/pink stars.
V.3: This layout is a real layout! I added FRAMES (my first accomplishments of FRAMES), made some lil icons that features the cartoon Carnival Doremi, and I'm just proud of myself that I made FRAMES! Yahoo! *some of you might think FRAMES is SIMPLE stuff but noooooo, to me I'm just PROUD of myself, so PSH!* Got a Splash layout from Carnival Doremi too (found at ichigo.nu).
V.4: This layout is featuring Digi Charat. It's really kawaii (to me anyway). It took me really long to make it. *phew ... sweatdrops* ^o^;; It uses Frames again and I'm getting to get really good at it. *lol* jk! The navigation uses lil bells and yea ...
V.5: Yay! I just LOVE this layout! It features this cute lil kitten (don't ask me why I always use cats ... I personally like dogs better but I just happened to find this pix so blah!) and with snowflakes falling! The picture is found here! It's by Makoto Muramatsu! He draws really cute animals (mostly cats).
V.6: Rikku! I wasn't thinking of using this layout idea b'cus almost everybody has this picture (idea from Rei), but I just really got to use this! I really like the picture (from here). This layout features image maps and frames!
V.7: I drew Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy 7 and scanned it to my computer. Then I used PS to color it and shadowed it and stuff. I'm proud! It's my first layout using some kind of brushes and the layout is all made by me! Nothing found from other sites!
V.8: Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7! Kawaii, ne! This version is called I'm not a puppet because in the game FF7, Cloud was sort of brainwashed by the evil guy, Sephroith saying Cloud is a puppet. Anyway, I love this layout! ^^
V.9: Michelle Branch!! ^o^ My favorite singer and well, I just HAVE to make a lyout for her although I'm not as happy with it than I would have. I found the pictures of Michelle Branch here!
*current layout*
V.10: Michelle Branch again! ^^ I made another layout featuring her again hehe. I like this layout alot ... colorful! I captrued the screenshots myself watching her "Are You Happy Now?" music video. XD